Welcome to the website of the European funded project
Health Care 4.0. goes Mobile
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Use on tablet and mobile phone:
1. install the app “Moodle” from the respective app store
2. enter this web address in the app:
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You can then simply register.
We are happy to answer any questions about the app at any time. Please contact europcare GmbH, email: info(at)europcare.eu
Our project “Health Care goes Mobile 4.0.” aims to improve the integration of foreign nursing professionals (nurses and nursing assistants).
Nursing facilities that recruit nursing professionals from abroad report that even professionals with a degree in the healthcare sector are usually not sufficiently qualified for everyday work in the new target country. This is because the requirements and daily work routine in nursing facilities differ from country to country.
Newly immigrated nurses therefore face difficulties in integrating smoothly into the working environment of their new home country. Moreover, cultural competencies – a particularly sensitive issue in the nursing sector – together with sufficient job-related language skills hinder the smooth integration of foreign professionals.

Therefore, our project aims at closing the skills gap between the theoretical qualifications of the newly arrived foreign professionals and the requirements of the care institutions in the new home country, including job-related language skills and missing intercultural competencies as well as motivational aspects that enable a better integration and a more efficient onboarding of the newly arrived professionals.
For this purpose, we first develop a curriculum that is then translated into a mobile app, so that an efficient and location-independent solution for the integration and onboarding of foreign nursing professionals, is available.
The project consortium is composed of four partners from Germany, Austria, Greece and Cyprus. The project is led by europcare. More information about the partners can be found here.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.